MVMA Board of Directors, Ex-officio Members and Invited Guests ONLY
Wednesday, 1/29
1:00 pm-5:00 pm
The Silent Auction raises funds for Foundation scholarships and grants. It is through the generous donations from veterinarians, their families, and veterinary medical corporations that the Silent Auction is a success each year. The two-day auction allows Annual Meeting attendees to learn more about the Foundation’s mission and bid on amazing items for a great cause. From theme baskets, to sports tickets, to artisan crafts, there is always something for everyone.
Thursday, 1/30 & Friday, 1/31
All Day
Coming soon!
Thursday, 1/30 thru Saturday, 2/1
Thursday starting at 10:45 am until Saturday11 am
MVMF Board of Directors, Ex-officio Members and Invited Guests ONLY
Thursday, 1/30
3 pm-4:30 pm
Dean Laura Molgaard and the CVM Alumni and Friends Society cordially invite you to join faculty, current students, classmates, and friends for an evening of light hors d’oeuvres and conversation. Please RSVP to Kris Hayden at
Thursday, 1/30
5:00 pm-7:00 pm
Coming soon!
Thursday, 1/30
7:00 pm
GAC Committee Members-Join us for a legislative update from one our lobbyists, a brief discussion on Day at the Capitol, various reports, and an in-depth discussion on legislative priorities.
Friday, 1/31
7:00 am
Join CVM friends for a special time of fellowship and hear how God is making an impact through veterinary medicine around the globe. Dr. Elizabeth Mendoza will share on CVM's annual theme of "Compassion" from Colossians 3:12.
Friday, 1/31
7:30 am-8:20 am
This is your organization so make sure your voice is heard at the Business Meeting.
Don't miss out on your opportunity to see your colleagues receive their well deserved award. Awards include: Veterinarian of the Year; Outstanding Faculty; Outstanding Industry Representative; Distinguished Veterinary Service; Emerging Leader and President's Award
Friday, 1/31
12:00 pm-2:00 pm
Join us on Friday night from 5:30 pm-8:00 pm for mixing and mingling with long-time colleagues and new friends over heavy appetizers and refreshments. New this year! Live music from Marv Gohman & KAATWALK as seen on the DNR Volunteer Outdoor Stage at the Minnesota State Fair.
Friday, 1/31
5:15 pm-6:30 pm
Coming soon!
Saturday, 2/1
7:00 am-9:00 am
This is your organization so make sure your voice is heard at the Business Meeting.
Saturday, 2/1
12:00 pm-2:00 pm
Celebrate the enduring link between animals and people! Awards recognize: Hero, Companion & Professional animals
Saturday, 2/1
12:00 pm-12:45 pm